Category: Post

  • Bridge Resource Management

    Bridge Resource Management

    Bridge Resourse Mangement Bridge Resourse Mangementย adalah penggunaan semua sumber daya yang tersedia untuk tim bridge / anjungan untuk memastikan pengoperasian kapal yang aman dan efisien. Ini melibatkan kombinasi keterampilan teknis, faktor manusia, dan kerja tim. Pelaut bertanggung jawab atas pengoperasian kapal yang aman, dan bridge management adalah bagian penting dari tanggung jawab ini. Bridge Team…

  • How to get 1M+ visitors in 30 days without anything! – Copy

    Doubling my 9โ€“5 salary several times in my career is something I never thought would happen. My career went from startup land to call center operator in a short space of time. That meant going from six-figures down to the minimum wage in my home country of Australia. And to top it off, I have…

  • How To Blow Through Capital At An Incredible Rate – Copy

    Doubling my 9โ€“5 salary several times in my career is something I never thought would happen. My career went from startup land to call center operator in a short space of time. That meant going from six-figures down to the minimum wage in my home country of Australia. And to top it off, I have…

  • Only donโ€™t tell me youโ€™re innocent – Copy

    Godfather ipsum dolor sit amet. My father is no different than any powerful man, any man with power, like a president or senator. Why did you go to the police? Why didnโ€™t you come to me first? Only donโ€™t tell me youโ€™re innocent. Because it insults my intelligence and makes me very angry. My fatherโ€™s…

  • Only donโ€™t tell me youโ€™re innocent

    Godfather ipsum dolor sit amet. My father is no different than any powerful man, any man with power, like a president or senator. Why did you go to the police? Why didnโ€™t you come to me first? Only donโ€™t tell me youโ€™re innocent. Because it insults my intelligence and makes me very angry. My fatherโ€™s…

STCW Certificates


20.09.202019.08.2021ย Makassar
20.09.202019.08.2021ย Makassar



20.09.202019.08.2021ย Makassar
20.09.2020 19.08.2021  Makassar
20.09.2020 19.08.2021  Makassar
20.09.2020 19.08.2021  Makassar
20.09.2020 19.08.2021  Makassar
20.09.2020 19.08.2021  Makassar
20.09.2020 19.08.2021  Makassar
20.09.2020 19.08.2021  Makassar
20.09.2020 19.08.2021  Makassar
20.09.2020 19.08.2021  Makassar
20.09.2020 19.08.2021  Makassar
20.09.2020 19.08.2021  Makassar
20.09.2020 19.08.2021  Makassar

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